Hot Kissing Images Biography
A kiss is the act of pressing one's lips against another person or an object. Cultural connotations of kissing vary widely. Depending on the culture and context, a kiss can express sentiments of love, passion, affection, respect, greeting, friendship, peace and good luck, among many others. In some situations a kiss is a ritual, formal or symbolic gesture indicating devotion, respect, or sacrament. The word came from Old English cyssan (“to kiss”), in turn from coss (“a kiss”).
Among the first known written descriptions of mouth-to-mouth kissing are included in the epic poem, Mahabharata, written 3,000 years ago in ancient India[1] and in the Song of Songs, from the Old Testament:
May he kiss me with the kisses of his mouth,
Because [his] lovemaking is better than wine.[2]
Philematology, or the study of kissing has been conducted[3][4] by people like Cesare Lombroso, Ernest Crawley, Charles Darwin, Edward Burnett Tylor and modern scholars like Elaine Hatfield. According to 19th-century anthropologist, Cesare Lombroso, the kiss of lovers originated and evolved from the maternal kiss.[5]
In the early 20th century, anthropologist Ernest Crawley wrote that kissing was "a universal expression in the social life of the higher civilizations of the feelings of affection, love (sexual, parental, and filial), and veneration," although he subsequently found that "kissing on the lips was not to be found in much of the world."[3] He noted that in Japanese society, before the 20th century, there was no kissing "except as applied by a mother to her infant," while in Africa it was commonly observed that neither husbands and wives, nor lovers, kissed one another.[6]:117 However, kissing was common in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome as when parents kissed their children, or when lovers and married persons kissed. Crawley concludes that generally, although kissing was prevalent in some form since primitive times, it "received its chief development in Western culture."[6]:119 The kiss in Western societies was also used in various religious and ceremonial acts, as where the kiss had a sacramental value.
According to Crawley, touch is "the mother of the senses," and the kiss was a tactile and specialized form of intimate contact.[6]:113 However, he notes that the act of kissing was very rare among cultures in less-developed civilizations, but was "fully established as instinctive" in advanced civilizations. Yet even among advanced civilizations, Crawley saw differences: while the kiss seems to have been unknown to ancient Egypt, it was well established in early Greece, Assyria, and India.[6]:113
Anthropological studies done over the past century show that "kissing was far from universal and even seen as improper by many societies," notes psychology professor Elaine Hatfield.[1] In India, kissing has been banned by Indian film censors until the 1990s,[7] and in even in modern Muslim society, a man who kisses or touches a woman who is not his wife or relative can be punished by death.[8]
Kristoffer Nyrop has identified a number of types of kisses, such as kisses of love, affection, peace, respect and friendship. He notes, however, that the categories were somewhat contrived and overlapping, and other cultures often had more kinds, including the French, with twenty and the Germans with thirty.[9]
Expression of affection and love
Kissing on another person's lips has become a common expression of affection among many cultures worldwide. Yet in certain cultures, kissing was introduced only through European settlement; prior to this, kissing was not a routine occurrence. Examples of this include certain indigenous peoples of Australia, the Tahitians, and many tribes in Africa.[10]
Kissing on the lips is a physical expression of affection or love between two people, in which the sensations of touch, taste, and smell are involved.[11] According to psychologist Menachem Brayer, although many "mammals, birds, and insects exchange caresses" which appear to be kisses of affection (e.g. lovebirds), they are not kisses as humans consider them. Psychologist William Cane notes that kissing in Western society is most often a romantic act and describes a few of its attributes:
Romantic kissing in Western cultures is a fairly recent development and is rarely mentioned even in ancient Greek literature. In the Middle Ages it became a social gesture and was considered a sign of refinement of the upper classes.[11]:150–151 Other cultures have different definitions and uses of kissing, notes Brayer. In China, for example, a similar expression of affection consists of rubbing one's nose against the cheek of another person. In other Eastern cultures kissing is not commonly done. In South East Asian countries the "sniff kiss" is the most common form of affection and Western mouth to mouth kissing is often for sexual foreplay. In some tribal cultures the "equivalent for our 'kiss me' is 'smell me.'"[citation needed]
Surveys indicate that kissing is the second most common form of physical intimacy among United States adolescents, after holding hands, with about 85% of 15- to 16-year-old adolescents in the US experiencing it.[13] In many cultures, it is considered harmless growing up customs for teenagers to kiss on a date or to engage in kissing games with friends. These games act as icebreakers at parties and for some participants they may be their first interaction with sexuality. There are many such games, including Truth or Dare?, Seven Minutes in Heaven (or the variation "Two Minutes in the Closet"), Spin the Bottle, Post Office, and Wink.
The kiss is an important expression of love and erotic emotions. In Kristoffer Nyrop's book, The Kiss and its History, Nyrop describes the kiss of love as an "exultant message of the longing of love, love eternally young, the burning prayer of hot desire, which is born on the lovers' lips, and 'rises,' as Charles Fuster has said, 'up to the blue sky from the green plains,' like a tender, trembling thank-offering." He adds, that the love kiss, "rich in promise, bestows an intoxicating feeling of infinite happiness, courage, and youth, and therefore surpasses all other earthly joys in sublimity."[9]:30 He also compares it to one's achievements in life, "Thus even the highest work of art, yet, the loftiest reputation, is nothing in comparison with the passionate kiss of a woman one loves."[9]:31
The power of a kiss is not minimized when he writes that "we all yearn for kisses and we all seek them; it is idle to struggle against this passion. No one can evade the omnipotence of the kiss ..." Kissing, he implies, can lead one to maturity: "It is through kisses that a knowledge of life and happiness first comes to us. Runeberg says that the angels rejoice over the first kiss exchanged by lovers," and can keep one feeling young: "It carries life with it; it even bestows the gift of eternal youth." The importance of the lover's kiss can also be significant, he notes: "In the case of lovers a kiss is everything; that is the reason why a man stakes his all for a kiss," and "man craves for it as his noblest reward."[9]:37
As a result, kissing as an expression of love is contained in much of literature, old and new. Nyrop gives a vivid example in the classic love story of Daphnis and Chloe. As a reward "Chloe has bestowed a kiss on Daphnis—an innocent young-maid's kiss, but it has on him the effect of an electrical shock":[9]:47
Hot Kissing Images Biography
A kiss is the act of pressing one's lips against another person or an object. Cultural connotations of kissing vary widely. Depending on the culture and context, a kiss can express sentiments of love, passion, affection, respect, greeting, friendship, peace and good luck, among many others. In some situations a kiss is a ritual, formal or symbolic gesture indicating devotion, respect, or sacrament. The word came from Old English cyssan (“to kiss”), in turn from coss (“a kiss”).
Among the first known written descriptions of mouth-to-mouth kissing are included in the epic poem, Mahabharata, written 3,000 years ago in ancient India[1] and in the Song of Songs, from the Old Testament:
May he kiss me with the kisses of his mouth,
Because [his] lovemaking is better than wine.[2]
Philematology, or the study of kissing has been conducted[3][4] by people like Cesare Lombroso, Ernest Crawley, Charles Darwin, Edward Burnett Tylor and modern scholars like Elaine Hatfield. According to 19th-century anthropologist, Cesare Lombroso, the kiss of lovers originated and evolved from the maternal kiss.[5]
In the early 20th century, anthropologist Ernest Crawley wrote that kissing was "a universal expression in the social life of the higher civilizations of the feelings of affection, love (sexual, parental, and filial), and veneration," although he subsequently found that "kissing on the lips was not to be found in much of the world."[3] He noted that in Japanese society, before the 20th century, there was no kissing "except as applied by a mother to her infant," while in Africa it was commonly observed that neither husbands and wives, nor lovers, kissed one another.[6]:117 However, kissing was common in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome as when parents kissed their children, or when lovers and married persons kissed. Crawley concludes that generally, although kissing was prevalent in some form since primitive times, it "received its chief development in Western culture."[6]:119 The kiss in Western societies was also used in various religious and ceremonial acts, as where the kiss had a sacramental value.
According to Crawley, touch is "the mother of the senses," and the kiss was a tactile and specialized form of intimate contact.[6]:113 However, he notes that the act of kissing was very rare among cultures in less-developed civilizations, but was "fully established as instinctive" in advanced civilizations. Yet even among advanced civilizations, Crawley saw differences: while the kiss seems to have been unknown to ancient Egypt, it was well established in early Greece, Assyria, and India.[6]:113
Anthropological studies done over the past century show that "kissing was far from universal and even seen as improper by many societies," notes psychology professor Elaine Hatfield.[1] In India, kissing has been banned by Indian film censors until the 1990s,[7] and in even in modern Muslim society, a man who kisses or touches a woman who is not his wife or relative can be punished by death.[8]
Kristoffer Nyrop has identified a number of types of kisses, such as kisses of love, affection, peace, respect and friendship. He notes, however, that the categories were somewhat contrived and overlapping, and other cultures often had more kinds, including the French, with twenty and the Germans with thirty.[9]
Expression of affection and love
Kissing on another person's lips has become a common expression of affection among many cultures worldwide. Yet in certain cultures, kissing was introduced only through European settlement; prior to this, kissing was not a routine occurrence. Examples of this include certain indigenous peoples of Australia, the Tahitians, and many tribes in Africa.[10]
Kissing on the lips is a physical expression of affection or love between two people, in which the sensations of touch, taste, and smell are involved.[11] According to psychologist Menachem Brayer, although many "mammals, birds, and insects exchange caresses" which appear to be kisses of affection (e.g. lovebirds), they are not kisses as humans consider them. Psychologist William Cane notes that kissing in Western society is most often a romantic act and describes a few of its attributes:
Romantic kissing in Western cultures is a fairly recent development and is rarely mentioned even in ancient Greek literature. In the Middle Ages it became a social gesture and was considered a sign of refinement of the upper classes.[11]:150–151 Other cultures have different definitions and uses of kissing, notes Brayer. In China, for example, a similar expression of affection consists of rubbing one's nose against the cheek of another person. In other Eastern cultures kissing is not commonly done. In South East Asian countries the "sniff kiss" is the most common form of affection and Western mouth to mouth kissing is often for sexual foreplay. In some tribal cultures the "equivalent for our 'kiss me' is 'smell me.'"[citation needed]
Surveys indicate that kissing is the second most common form of physical intimacy among United States adolescents, after holding hands, with about 85% of 15- to 16-year-old adolescents in the US experiencing it.[13] In many cultures, it is considered harmless growing up customs for teenagers to kiss on a date or to engage in kissing games with friends. These games act as icebreakers at parties and for some participants they may be their first interaction with sexuality. There are many such games, including Truth or Dare?, Seven Minutes in Heaven (or the variation "Two Minutes in the Closet"), Spin the Bottle, Post Office, and Wink.
The kiss is an important expression of love and erotic emotions. In Kristoffer Nyrop's book, The Kiss and its History, Nyrop describes the kiss of love as an "exultant message of the longing of love, love eternally young, the burning prayer of hot desire, which is born on the lovers' lips, and 'rises,' as Charles Fuster has said, 'up to the blue sky from the green plains,' like a tender, trembling thank-offering." He adds, that the love kiss, "rich in promise, bestows an intoxicating feeling of infinite happiness, courage, and youth, and therefore surpasses all other earthly joys in sublimity."[9]:30 He also compares it to one's achievements in life, "Thus even the highest work of art, yet, the loftiest reputation, is nothing in comparison with the passionate kiss of a woman one loves."[9]:31
The power of a kiss is not minimized when he writes that "we all yearn for kisses and we all seek them; it is idle to struggle against this passion. No one can evade the omnipotence of the kiss ..." Kissing, he implies, can lead one to maturity: "It is through kisses that a knowledge of life and happiness first comes to us. Runeberg says that the angels rejoice over the first kiss exchanged by lovers," and can keep one feeling young: "It carries life with it; it even bestows the gift of eternal youth." The importance of the lover's kiss can also be significant, he notes: "In the case of lovers a kiss is everything; that is the reason why a man stakes his all for a kiss," and "man craves for it as his noblest reward."[9]:37
As a result, kissing as an expression of love is contained in much of literature, old and new. Nyrop gives a vivid example in the classic love story of Daphnis and Chloe. As a reward "Chloe has bestowed a kiss on Daphnis—an innocent young-maid's kiss, but it has on him the effect of an electrical shock":[9]:47
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Hot Kissing Images Photos Pictures Pics Wallpapers Images
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